Financial Aid is available for families who recognize the benefits of St. John’s unique approach to teaching and learning, but are not able to afford the full tuition requirement.
As with all independent schools, St. John’s offers financial aid awards to qualified families. In order to protect privacy, we utilize FACTS Grant and Aid Assessment, an independent, third-party, national company to determine eligibility.
An application for Financial Aid will not in any way impact the admissions decision. Determination of Financial Aid awards and admissions decisions are made separately and autonomously.
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Confidentiality: Applying for Financial Aid is a sensitive and private matter. St. John's provides an application process that is both respectful and completely confidential.
Eligibility: Financial Aid is available based on each family’s current demonstrated financial need. All students in the Elementary and Middle Divisions are eligible to apply for Financial Aid. In the Early Childhood Division, siblings of students in the Elementary and Middle Divisions are also eligible. Financial Aid is awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need without regard to race, color, national or ethnic origin, sex or religion.
Annual Submission Policy: Financial Aid is reviewed and awarded annually. Financial Aid Applications must be re-submitted each year, with updated financial and current tax information. Financial aid awards are applied directly to the academic year for which they are requested.
Additional Information
For questions regarding the Financial Aid program and process, please contact our Business Office at 949-858-5144.
Application Process and FAQ
St. John's Episcopal School seeks and accepts students for admission without reference to race, color, religion, age, disability, national and ethnic origin, sexual orientation, or gender. Admissions and financial aid decisions are made independently.