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The SJES Golf Tournament

Lorem Ipsum

Each year, St. John's hosts its annual Golf Tournament, aimed at fostering fellowship among St. John's parents and members of the community. As we gather to celebrate, we will continue to build on the strong platform St. John’s has thoughtfully constructed for the past three decades. 

Tournament Details

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Support this year’s Golf Tournament now through one of our available Sponsorship Opportunities:

Major “MVP” Sponsor - $7,500

As an MVP Sponsor of the 2024 SJES Tournament, your company is assured high visibility before, during and after the tournament.

Sponsorship includes:

  • One foursome (4 players) package for Golf Tournament day of the event
  • Recognition of your company as MVP Sponsor at the dinner reception
  • Corporate name/logo incorporated into event name as a Major “MVP” Sponsor
  • Recognition in the Golf Tournament article in Coto Living Magazine
  • Two (2) on-course tee signs & name recognition on event Step and Repeat
  • Invitation for two (2) to attend the Sponsorship Reception event in May at Hanna's in Rancho Santa Margarita
  • One corporate banner prominently displayed at the tournament (provided by Sponsor)
  • Recognition of your company on the event website
  • Opportunity to display promotional material or provide samples

Associate “All Star” Sponsor - $5,000

Sponsorship includes:

  • One foursome (4 players) package for Golf Tournament day of event
  • One (1) on-course tee sign & company banner displayed at event
  • Invitation for two (2) to attend the Sponsorship Reception event in May at Hanna's in Rancho Santa Margarita
  • Recognition in the Golf Tournament article in Coto Living Magazine
  • Recognition of your company on the event website
  • Recognition of your company as an Associate “All Star” Sponsor at the dinner reception

Premium Hole Sponsor - $2,500

Sponsorship includes:

  • One (1) on-course tee sign
  • One foursome (4 players) package for the Golf Tournament day of the event
  • Invitation for two (2) to attend the Sponsorship Reception event in May at Hanna's in Rancho Santa Margarita
  • Recognition in the Golf Tournament article in Coto Living Magazine

Hole Sponsor - $500

Sponsorship includes:

  • One (1) on-course tee sign
  • Recognition in the Golf Tournament article in Coto Living Magazine
  • Recognition on the Golf Tournament website

Golf Tournament Sponsorships

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