The SJES Golf Tournament
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Support this year’s Golf Tournament now through one of our available Sponsorship Opportunities:
Major “MVP” Sponsor - $7,500
As an MVP Sponsor of the 2024 SJES Tournament, your company is assured high visibility before, during and after the tournament.
Sponsorship includes:
- One foursome (4 players) package for Golf Tournament day of the event
- Recognition of your company as MVP Sponsor at the dinner reception
- Corporate name/logo incorporated into event name as a Major “MVP” Sponsor
- Recognition in the Golf Tournament article in Coto Living Magazine
- Two (2) on-course tee signs & name recognition on event Step and Repeat
- Invitation for two (2) to attend the Sponsorship Reception event in May at Hanna's in Rancho Santa Margarita
- One corporate banner prominently displayed at the tournament (provided by Sponsor)
- Recognition of your company on the event website
- Opportunity to display promotional material or provide samples
Associate “All Star” Sponsor - $5,000
Sponsorship includes:
- One foursome (4 players) package for Golf Tournament day of event
- One (1) on-course tee sign & company banner displayed at event
- Invitation for two (2) to attend the Sponsorship Reception event in May at Hanna's in Rancho Santa Margarita
- Recognition in the Golf Tournament article in Coto Living Magazine
- Recognition of your company on the event website
- Recognition of your company as an Associate “All Star” Sponsor at the dinner reception
Premium Hole Sponsor - $2,500
Sponsorship includes:
- One (1) on-course tee sign
- One foursome (4 players) package for the Golf Tournament day of the event
- Invitation for two (2) to attend the Sponsorship Reception event in May at Hanna's in Rancho Santa Margarita
- Recognition in the Golf Tournament article in Coto Living Magazine
Hole Sponsor - $500
Sponsorship includes:
- One (1) on-course tee sign
- Recognition in the Golf Tournament article in Coto Living Magazine
- Recognition on the Golf Tournament website
Golf Tournament Sponsorships
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