Meet our School Counselor - Madison Hall
(949) 858-5144 ext. 248
Welcome! My name is Madison Hall and I serve as the school counselor at St. John’s Episcopal School.
My mission as a school counselor is to create an environment in which all students feel welcome. I am dedicated to assisting students in their social and emotional growth during their time at St. John’s. I aim to collaborate with teachers, parents, and the entire school staff in order to ensure that students are well supported. I am a committed advocate for students in order to foster an inclusive environment where students can reach their maximum potential throughout their time here, and beyond.
By listening, supporting, and advocating for students, it is my vision that all students will develop a greater sense of social and emotional stability. I am aware that even the most highly competent individual can lack focus and the ability to function in a healthy manner, due to feeling consumed with personal anxieties, stresses, or negative feelings. The application of coping skills is usually what helps us to remain functional, despite challenges. I aim to assist students in identifying and applying these skills, as well as gaining an understanding of the importance of leading balanced lives that attend to the health of all aspects of themselves.
As a school counselor, I will provide a comprehensive program that supports the emotional and social needs of ALL students. I will work confidentially with students and inform stakeholders of critical information. I plan to implement effective interventions for students and serve as a liaison with outside therapists to support students on campus, but am not at liberty to provide long-term counseling services for any student. I am very flexible and want to collaborate with all members of the Cardinal community in order to best meet the needs of our students.
It is my hope to provide all students at St. John’s with a safe space to foster growth and development during any challenging time. I am always available to talk should you, or your child, have any concerns. Please feel free to reach out at any time. I look forward to a wonderful year ahead!
Madison Hall
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Beliefs & Values
- All children are unique and should be treated with respect and dignity.
- Every student can succeed.
- Learning is a lifelong process.
- Fostering a positive self-image is the collaborative effort of the school, home, and community which leads to responsible and productive citizenship.
- The diverse needs of all students must be addressed through the school counseling program.
- Every student needs appropriate personal and social skills to achieve optimum benefits from the educational program.
- A comprehensive, developmental school counseling program is not a support service but an integral part of the total education program.
- A developmentally appropriate school counseling program provides important benefits to individual students by addressing their intellectual, emotional, social, physical, and psychological needs.
Mrs. Hall Services Include (but are not limited to):
- Individual, short-term, counseling for students
- Small group counseling
- Classroom lessons centered around the Cardinal character traits
- Program development and expansion
- Support for advisories and PALS
- Provide consultation with teachers, parents, and administrators
- Assist with accommodations
- Help students and families find outside resources
- Maintain confidentiality for all students and staff